CDP Europe Awards 2023

Celebrating Sustainability Champions: CDP Europe Awards 2023 and A-List Companies

In an era where climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global discussions, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices. The CDP Europe Awards 2023 serve as a platform to recognize the efforts of companies and cities to address environmental…

S&P Global CSA

Striving for Sustainability: A Guide to the S&P Global CSA 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving corporate world, sustainability isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity. As companies gear up for the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) for 2024, understanding the latest updates and processes is paramount. Here’s your comprehensive guide to navigating the S&P Global CSA 2024: Participation and Companies Involved: The S&P Global CSA 2024…

Nachhaltigkeit Blogpost

Fördermöglichkeiten für nachhaltige Aktivitäten

In einer Welt, die zunehmend von Umweltproblemen, Klimawandel, gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Herausforderungen betroffen ist, gewinnt das Bewusstsein für nachhaltige Aktivitäten immer mehr an Bedeutung. Menschen, Unternehmen und Organisationen suchen nach Wegen, ihre Handlungen nachhaltiger zu gestalten. Um dies effektiv umzusetzen, gibt es eine Vielzahl von Fördermöglichkeiten, die dazu beitragen können, nachhaltige Projekte zu finanzieren und…

Top 3 2024

The Top 3 – Corporate Sustainability Trends of 2024

In 2024, it is inevitable for companies to prioritize sustainability in order to remain competitive, resilient, and responsible. It is a strategic imperative that affects every aspect of corporate performance, from reputation and risk management to innovation and growth. Looking at the new year, this blogpost will highlight three of the most important corporate sustainability…

Product Carbon Footprint Tool

Understanding Product Carbon Footprint – A short Dive into Standards & Verification, Tools and industry-driven Initiatives

With environmental consciousness at an all-time high, businesses and individuals alike are striving to understand and reduce their carbon footprints. One essential aspect of this endeavor is the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). This article will introduce PCF, look into the standards that guide its calculation, explore verification processes, and shortly introduce tools to calculate carbon…

GRI Certified Partner

DFGE further strengthens its competence with GRI Certified Sustainability Professionals

Sustainability reporting is growing at a rapid pace. Over the years, sustainability reporting has become more widespread globally, both in terms of geography and the number of sectors of industry. A recent report, “The KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020,” found that 80% of companies (mid- and large-cap firms) worldwide report on their sustainability progress.…

Lieferkettengesetz Deutschland

Das neue Lieferkettengesetz für eine nachhaltige Globalisierung

Bis ein T-Shirt in der Europäischen Union in den Laden kommt, hat es nach Angaben des Bundesentwicklungsministeriums 18.000 Kilometer zurückgelegt. 80 Prozent des Welthandels gründen auf weltumspannenden Wertschöpfungsketten. Sie bilden die Existenzgrundlage für mehr als 450 Millionen Menschen. Aber oft leiden diejenigen am Anfang der Lieferkette, die für Europa Kleidung oder Nahrungsmittel herstellen, unter schlechten…

CF by push on a button

Carbon Footprint at the push of a button?

Since calculating corporate carbon footprints (CCF) is complex, companies increasingly implement all-in-one software solutions. Such softwares promise high effectiveness but often fail. Therefore, companies are better advised with hiring experts for the CCF calculation. DFGE’s new Customer Sustainability Platform is the perfect tool for clients who aim for holistic and effective CCF calculation.