Blue river and mountains visualizing the article about environmental footprint

Environmental Footprint

Unification of environmental methods and initiatives If a company wants to promote its products in different markets as eco-friendly, it is confronted with a variety of different methods and initiatives. For this reason, the European Union is working on the development and implementation of an environmental footprint for products and companies. The conference from April…

picutre of a field and some trees visualizing the article about the DJSI assessment

DJSI assessment 2018 now open: make the most of it

From the 5th of April 2018, all invited companies can start completing the DJSI assessment 2018. Companies that take part in such questionnaire will then be eligible for the inclusion in one of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. Corporate Sustainability Assessment from RobecoSAM: gateway to the DJSI The CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment) from RobecoSAM, also called DJSI assessment,…

Snowy tree landscape visualizing the article about SDG kompass

SDG Compass – a guidance for an entrepreneurial contribution to sustainable development

The SDGs are becoming increasingly important in the economy. This is particularly evident in sustainability reporting practice, as CSR reporting is undergoing change. More than 80 % of all DAX30 companies have already integrated the SDGs (in several forms) into their recently published sustainability reports (see Umweltdialog, 30th August 2017). With the entry into force…

River view and mountains in the background visualizing the article about Weltwassertag

Weltwassertag – Jetzt Handeln!

Der Weltwassertag wurde im Zuge der Agenda 21 der UNCED in Rio de Janeiro vorgeschlagen. Der Tag soll durch die Mitgliedsstaaten der UN dazu genutzt werden, konkrete Aktionen in ihren Ländern zu fördern und auf diese wichtige Ressource aufmerksam zu machen. Auch nichtstaatliche Organisationen und Unternehmen stellen an diesem Tag Wasser in den Vordergrund. Was…

picture of a sunset in winter visualizing the article about Nachhaltigkeits policy

Constitution of a ’Sustainability Policy’

This blog article briefly discusses the framework conditions as well as possible measures for drafting a ‘Sustainability Policy’ and makes a point of reference to the EcoVadis sustainability assessment platform. Short introduction – what is a ‘Sustainability Policy’? A ‘Sustainability Policy’ sets a defined framework and limits the necessary actions to achieve the goals in…

picture of a jetty illustrating the article about the DFGE csr handbook

The DFGE CSR-handbook

Your daily companion for working in the field of corporate responsibility The field of CSR is becoming more and more complex. Sustainability plays an increasing role. Every company but also private individuals are confronted with this megatrend. The DFGE CSR-Handbook helps you to stay up to date and to make your business sustainable and future-oriented.…

picture of a forest visualizing the article about CSR strategy basics

CSR-strategy basics

First of all, it is necessary to understand what CSR is. CSR stands for “Corporate Social Responsibility”. The guiding principle is that economy is a global network of mutually depending influencing factors. The main focus of a CSR-strategy is to protect people (employees of the company, employees of suppliers, the society in general) and the…