Munich/Greifenberg, 9th September 2019 – CDP is one of the most important initiatives when it comes to sustainability reporting taking supply chains into account. Since 2014, DFGE – the Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economics – has been a Silver Climate Change Consultancy Partner for renowned companies in answering the CDP questionnaire. In addition to assisting with the CDP Climate Change and CDP Supply Chain Program, DFGE also supports companies with CDP Water. The renewed partnership with the CDP now also includes supporting companies on science-based target setting. The DFGE is the first selected partner of the CDP for the German-speaking area. This CDP accreditation gives DFGE a special seal of quality. SBT (or science-based targets) are greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that have the ambition required to keep warming well-below 2°C, compared to pre-industrial temperatures, as agreed by nearly 200 countries in the landmark Paris Agreement . The integration of science-based targets also plays an important role in the company-wide climate strategy. A climate strategy accompanies a company for several years and must be regularly updated and adapted to new requirements. It should therefore be understood as a management cycle. Based on the methodology of the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi), the DFGE uses the DFGE Climate Strategy Tool to calculate various options for the science-based emission target, which specifies the necessary emission reductions over a selected period of time. Interested parties can find out more about About CDP About DFGE The DFGE disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the given information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute DFGE’s judgment as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice. DFGE shall have no liability for errors, omissions, or inadequacies in the information contained herein or for interpretations thereof. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Contact us for more information DFGE – Institut für Energie, Ökologie und Ökonomie Background Science Based Targets
The DFGE advises on the modelling of targets, selection of target setting methods and its implementation. The DFGE services range from workshops to 360° projects in which the optimal SBT solution for companies is analyzed and implemented. In addition, DFGE developed a customizable and documented SBT tool to monitor, adjust and update all goals, sub-goals and scenarios of companies themselves. (More at importance of a climate strategy
The benefits of the partnership for Science Based Targets
Through the strengthened partnership with CDP on science-based targets, the DFGE will be able to work even more effectively in driving the adoption of science-based targets and climate disclosure through CDP. Customers will benefit from joint projects and better support for SBTs such as joint webinars.
“We are glad that DFGE has become our first science-based targets partner in Germany. With its experience in supporting companies with climate strategy and science-based target setting, we are confident that German companies will be able to effectively align their climate ambition to the Paris goals” Alberto Carrillo Pineda, Director of Science Based Targets at CDP
“We are very pleased to have chosen the CDP to work with us on SBT as well.” Thomas Fleissner, founder and Managing Director of DFGE “For many years, we have been in close contact with CDP, UNGC, WRI and WWF – the initiators of the SBT Initiative – and have been able to support numerous companies in determining relevant and ambitious emission targets using SBT. Our goal as a Sustainability Intelligence Provider is to help companies implement strategies efficiently and professionally.”
Referring to the renewal, CDP Managing Director Steven Tebbe commented that “CDP is pleased to renew the consultancy partnership with DFGE for a further year. DFGE has a strong track record, working with companies responding to CDP and helping them to implement both good carbon management practices and sustainability into their organizations. We hope our partnership will continue to be a valuable resource to our responding companies.”
CDP, formerly Carbon Disclosure Project, is an international non-profit organization that helps companies and governments reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water resources and protect forests. Chosen by investors as the best climate research provider, CDP works with institutional investors with combined assets of $87 trillion to pool environmental investor interests to motivate companies to disclose and manage their environmental impacts.
More than 6,300 companies, representing around 55% of global market capitalisation, published environmental data on CDP in 2017. This is in addition to the more than 500 cities and 100 states and regions that also reported. CDP’s platform is therefore one of the most comprehensive sources of information on how companies and governments around the world are helping to combat climate change.
Further information can be found at
Founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the technical University of Munich, the DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy provides consulting services in the field of sustainability. Our offer Sustainability Intelligence featuring calculation management, reporting solutions and strategy development aims at bundling the effort of taking part in several sustainability/CSR standards and rankings like CDP, UNGC, DJSJ, EcoVadis or GRI as well as building overarching strategies, such a climate strategy based on SBTs, or sustainability strategy according to the SDGs. To enable a future AI-based CSR management, DFGE researches in big data approach and machine learning. Our clients comprise international companies (DAX and fortune 500), SMEs, governmental organizations or territorial authorities.
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