The DFGE Core Concept for your holistic Sustainability Management
Sustainability Intelligence
In the course of expanding sustainability and CSR, your company also collects a wide variety of data at different locations and at different times.
On the other hand, very different stakeholders request different key figures and information from your company at different times. We want to unite all of this with our Sustainability Intelligence approach.
For your participation in the CDP Climate Change, CDP Water Program, UN Global Compact – UNGC, EcoVadis or Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reports, you collect general sustainability data such as energy consumption. For your sustainability report or your investor relations, you determine much more CSR information along your supply chain.
DFGE Sustainability Intelligence collects all this CSR information in one place and provides the information and data up to date for processing the most diverse CSR use cases.
You save time, collect not only data but also know-how and, above all, you can answer all CSR inquiries in an up-to-date and valid manner at any time.
- Data Sheet: DFGE Solutions
- Case Studies
- DFGE TopDown Ansatz
- United Nations Global Compact – UNGC
- EcoVadis consulting as official EcoVadis partner
- CDP consulting
- Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
- Corporate Carbon Footprint calculations
- Product Carbon Footprint and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)
- ESG Bewertungen
- Disclosure Entscheidungen
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
How we support you!
Identify CSR impacts; Establish a strategy with goals by prioritizing what is important; Engage stakeholders; Public commitment to address CSR impacts.
Implementation of appropriate measures; ethics training; code of conduct for suppliers; product or corporate carbon footprint.
Review measures with performance metrics; validate third-party calculations; review checks for CDP and other reportings.
The DFGE Customer Sustainability Platform
Your Sustainability Management in one Tool
CSR management has become complex: A wide variety of stakeholders ask for information, clients demand participation in specific sustainability reporting, and the recording of company-wide CO2 emissions extends into the supply chains.
With the DFGE Customer Sustainability Platform, we put you, the customer, at the centre, because only company-specific CSR management is truly sustainable and can lead to carbon neutrality of products or the company.
The DFGE Customer Sustainability Platform acts as a central and intelligent hub for:
- the life-cycle management of sustainability, where it lets you manage important data for acquisition and submission.
- centralise and store all relevant data in a secure environment.
- the calculations of Product and/or Corporate Carbon Footprints, which are increasingly based on SBTs and become dynamic through partial automation.
- agile analysis and management of CSR activities and their impact on company-wide CO2 emissions.
- the integration of your supply chains on your DFGE Customer Sustainability Platform.
Together for a sustainable future!
We support you on your way to a solid CSR management. Contact us via phone, mail or contact form. DFGE is looking forward to hearing from you.