picture of a lake in the mountains illustrating the blog article about CDP Scores for the year 2018

CDP Scores for the reporting year 2018 have been released

On 22nd January 2019, the 2018 CDP Scores have been released. Thus, the results are now available for all CDP participants that reported in 2018 their environment-related data like strategy, risks and opportunities, governance mechanisms, scenario analysis, supply chain engagement, etc. in the areas Climate Change, Water Security and Forests/Deforestation. This blog post will give…

Rope bridge between trees visualizing the blog article about aiming for a better reporting alignment

Aiming for a better reporting alignment – Leading sustainability initiatives launched respective project

In the beginning of November, leading sustainability initiatives announced that a two-year project has been launched focusing on driving a better reporting alignment in the corporate (sustainability) reporting landscape. This topic has still connections to our published blog post from the 26th Sep. 2018 (GRI and SASB are planning to align their standards) and is…

Trees and tables

Webinar on TCFD about how climate-related financial disclosures are affecting the business world – Register now!

Next Friday, the 12th October 2018 a joint webinar on TCFD organized by the World Environment Center (WEC) and the DFGE – Institute for Energy, Ecology and Economy will take place. The central topic is how the Financial Stability Board’s (FSB) Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) are affecting the business world. Speakers from…

Focus on yellow rapeseed field

The Global Climate Action Summit – an important event to support the Paris Agreement and to foster action against climate change

In mid-September (12th until 14th September 2018) the Global Climate Action Summit will take place in San Francisco in order to push action against climate change and to ‘take ambition to the next level’. The overarching goal of the event is to promote the decarbonization globally as well as to raise further awareness regarding climate…

picture of blueberries illustrating the blog article about sustainable gastronomy day

Sustainable Gastronomy Day

June 18th is the day of sustainable gastronomy. This was launched by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. In probably no other topic does sustainability play a more important role than food. The idea of sustainability is one of the most important developments in the food industry. Consumers demand transparency in the…

picture of a wood construction in the forest illustrating the article about klimawandel und urbanisierung

Klimawandel und Urbanisierung

Deshalb sind Städte für den Klimaschutz so wichtig Zwei bedeutende Megatrends sind der Klimawandel und die Urbanisierung. Der Zukunftsforscher John Naisbitt prägte 1982 den Begriff „Megatrends“. Megatrends werden in der Literatur uneinheitlich definiert. Gemeinsam haben die Definitionen, dass es sich um Veränderungen handelt, welche tiefgreifende und nachhaltige Auswirkungen auf Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik und Technologie mit…

picture of a wood construction in the forest illustrating the article about klimawandel und urbanisierung

Climate Change and Urbanization

Why cities are so important to climate protection Two major megatrends are climate change and urbanization. The future researcher John Naisbitt coined the term „megatrends“ in 1982. Megatrends are unevenly defined in the literature. All definitions agree that megatrends are changes that have profound and lasting effects on society, economics, politics and technology. Megatrends have…

image of a flower visualizing the article about klimarelevante emissionen

Berechnung und Offenlegung klimarelevanter Emissionen

Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Standards und Initiativen Das Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB) veröffentlichte am 9. April eine aktualisierte Version ihres Frameworks zur Berichterstattung über umweltbezogene Aktivitäten. Dieses ist nun im Einklang mit den Empfehlungen der Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Für Unternehmen, die sich bei der Offenlegung ihrer klimatischen Auswirkungen bisher…