Julian studied International Corporate Communication and Media Management at the HNU University of Applied Sciences in Neu-Ulm, Germany. He joined the DFGE team in 2018 and is now working as Marketing and Corporate Communication Manager. He enjoys playing Tennis, Skiing and to meet with friends.
Unterstützung beim CDP Kunde: Siemens Energy Kategorie: Energy Datum: Oktober 2022 Die Siemens Energy AG nimmt durch ihre Expertise im Bereich der Energietechnik eine weltweit führende Marktposition ein. Um dieser Verantwortung besonders auch im Hinblick auf die Reduzierung der globalen CO2e-Emissionen gerecht zu werden, unternimmt Siemens Energy zahlreiche Anstrengungen. Unter anderem hat Siemens Energy im Jahr…
Am 14. & 15. September 2022 fand das 2. Circular Futures Festival statt. Zwei Tage voller Austausch, Inspiration und Begegnungen. Initiiert wurde es von Circular Futures, einem Programm von ProjectTogether, in hybrider Form in ganz Deutschland. Digital fand es in Form von Lernlaboren, Marktplätzen, Impulsen, Diskussionsrunden und Maker Spaces statt und auch in lokalen Hubs…
Increasingly, investors, regulators, stakeholders and the public are holding companies accountable for sustainable practices. Recent legislation also highlights the relevance of corporate sustainability developments. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is one of the European Union’s legislative instruments to make Europe’s economy more sustainable. It prescribes comprehensive sustainability disclosure requirements covering a wide range of…
ESRS – Das neue EU-Rahmenwerk für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Der nächste wichtige Schritt für die EU-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ist gemacht. Bereits Ende April 2022 gab es erste offizielle Entwürfe der European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) bezüglich eines neuen EU-Rahmenwerks für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Dieses Rahmenwerk dient dazu, den Dschungel an Reportingstandards im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich zu lichten und einheitliche Regelungen für die…
The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) experienced exponential growth over the last year in terms of companies committing to reduce their emissions in line with a 1.5°C pathway to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. In 2021, the number of companies that set and committed to science-based targets has doubled. In addition to that,…
Many companies today are quick to give themselves a “green label”, also with regard to their products – but they often make themselves look greener than they really are. Greenwashing is a complex issue and unfortunately still very topical. The line between a sustainable approach and clear greenwashing is not always recognisable, but it is…
More and more companies commit to climate neutrality or net zero by a certain year. Corporates now have climate strategies and targets which are public and which include pledges that appear to significantly reduce, or even eliminate their contributions to global warming. Although, instead of reaching this goal, the corporates will only manage a reduction…
“Only one Earth” is the motto of this years World Environment Day on 5th of June 2022. It’s time to heal the planet Climate change, waste and biodiversity losses are already affecting our daily life. Besides that, energy and food crisis contribute to an increase in conflicts around the world. To solve these problems, we…
Revising the CoP: Background and Rationale About CoP and UNGC: The UN Global Compact (UNGC), a non-binding United Nations pact, encouraging firms and businesses to think of and adopt and report on more sustainable methods. To ensure a more straightforward reporting experienced it has identified 10 principles (The Ten Principles | UN Global Compact) forming…
Verbesserung des Ecovadis Scorings Kunde: MANN + HUMMEL Kategorie: Automotive Datum: Mai 2022 Als Experte und weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Filtrationstechnologie entwickelt MANN+HUMMEL innovative Filtrations- und Separationslösungen, die saubere Mobilität, saubere Luft und sauberes Wasser ermöglichen. Damit leistet das Unternehmen einen wichtigen Beitrag für eine saubere Welt und den nachhaltigen Umgang mit begrenzten Ressourcen.…