CDP Water

CDP increasingly focuses on water-related topics

Every life on our planet is dependent on the well-functioning of the marine ecosystem. But water resources and marine ecosystems are endangered. Since businesses emit a large amount of greenhouse gases, they are largely responsible for this heating. To make companies accountable and address the urgent need to protect the water and marine resources, CDP included new water-related questions into its questionnaires.

EcoVadis Index 2019

EcoVadis Index

The background EcoVadis is a supply chain assessment which helps companies to understand and quantify sustainability risks within their supply chain. Unlike individual questionnaires or very specific ones like CDP, EcoVadis offers a standardised approach which is able to compare the performance of companies with entirely different profiles on a rating scale from 1 (bad)…

picture of a bank with a view over a small city visualizing the blog article GRI waste standard

GRI Waste Standard will be updated – focusing on more targeting sustainability reporting on waste-related aspects

The GSSB (Global Sustainability Standards Board) that operates under the auspices of GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is currently overseeing a project to review and update the content of GRI Waste disclosures related to GRI sustainability reports in the current GRI Standard 306: Effluents and Waste. Achieve best-practice disclosure of waste-related activities The main target of…

lake view with reed illustrating the article about nachhaltiges finanzwesen

Nachhaltiges Finanzwesen in der EU

Was wird unter nachhaltigem Finanzwesen verstanden? Unter nachhaltigem Finanzwesen wird die Bereitstellung von Finanzmitteln für Investitionen unter Berücksichtigung von ökologischen, sozialen und Governance-Aspekten verstanden. Nachhaltiges Finanzwesen beinhaltet eine starke grüne Komponente, die Wirtschaftswachstum unterstützt und gleichzeitig die Umweltbelastung reduziert, Treibhausgasemissionen und Abfall vermeidet beziehungsweise natürliche Ressourcen sorgsam nutzt. Ebenfalls wird verstärkt berücksichtigt, welche Risiken die…