BVCM – Emissionsminderung außerhalb der eigenen Wertschöpfungskette

Der weltweit führende wissenschaftlich fundierte Rahmen für die Festlegung von Netto-Null-Zielen für Unternehmen in Übereinstimmung mit 1,5 °C ist der Net-Zero-Standard der Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Damit Unternehmen ihren Beitrag zur Begrenzung des sich verstärkenden Klimawandels leisten können, wurden innerhalb dieses Rahmenwerks vier Schlüsselelemente festgelegt: Um den Net-Zero Standard weiter auszubauen, hat sich die SBTi…


NetZero vs Climate Neutral vs Climate Positive – a clarification of different terms and definitions

During the last couple of years, the number of climate neutral claims for individual products or by entire organizations has risen drastically. Numerous of such claims faced legal complications and government regulations, as seen for instance in France. Companies have gone even further by claiming to become climate positive or carbon negative in the near…


Get ready for COP26

Join the Race to Zero through the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign This SBTi webinar for COP26 preparation provides a detailed overview of the importance of setting ambitious science-based targets (SBTs). The session covers the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign commitment model for net-zero targets and 1.5°C aligned SBTs, key SBTi criteria, and…

SBTI Kompesnation

SBTi: Net Zero & Compensation

Achieving climate neutrality is becoming increasingly important for companies and is becoming part of their corporate objectives as part of their climate strategy. The aim is to continuously reduce CO2 emissions throughout the company and its value chain. Since a complete avoidance of CO2 emissions is difficult to achieve, companies invest in climate protection projects…