CDP Support 2024

CDP Support 2024 by DFGE

Looking for a Quick CDP Support? Choose DFGE! As the CDP deadline approaches, many companies are once again being asked by investors and customers to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. Responses need to be entered into CDP’s updated platform by September 18, 2024. CDP faces respondents with significant changes this year. They integrated the…

Climate Risks and Opportunities Analysis

The contribution of climate risks and opportunities analysis on the way to enhanced climate resilience

Background The European Union (EU) has emerged as one of the global leader in climate policy, driven by the urgency of addressing climate change and transitioning towards a sustainable future. In the context of climate change, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) represents one key element in the EU’s regulatory approach to integrating climate-related disclosures into…

Climate Transition Plan

The Climate Transition Plan

CSRD-compliant towards NetZero  A viable climate strategy and its concrete implementation is an indispensable prerequisite for companies to survive in the market in the medium and long term. However, measurable targets and specific measures to achieve climate targets will also become a legal obligation when the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) comes into force. The…

Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan

Reduction of the Carbon Footprint by concrete measures  The basis of any corporate climate strategy is the understanding of the company’s current carbon footprint (Corporate Carbon Footprint – CCF), i.e. the amount of CO2 emissions the company is currently emitting in each emission category. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions consist of Scope 1 emissions (direct emissions,…

Navigating Supply Chain Regulations: German LkSG vs. European CSDDD

Recognizing the importance of corporate sustainability reporting, especially for the supply chain, governments are implementing human rights and environmental due diligence obligations for companies. European countries like Germany, France, Norway or The Netherlands have already implemented their own supply chain legislations. To harmonize these efforts across the European Union has been working on implementing the Corporate…

CDP Europe Awards 2023

Celebrating Sustainability Champions: CDP Europe Awards 2023 and A-List Companies

In an era where climate change and environmental sustainability are at the forefront of global discussions, it is important to acknowledge the efforts of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint and embracing sustainable practices. The CDP Europe Awards 2023 serve as a platform to recognize the efforts of companies and cities to address environmental…