picture of a jetty illustrating the article about the DFGE csr handbook

The DFGE CSR-handbook

Your daily companion for working in the field of corporate responsibility The field of CSR is becoming more and more complex. Sustainability plays an increasing role. Every company but also private individuals are confronted with this megatrend. The DFGE CSR-Handbook helps you to stay up to date and to make your business sustainable and future-oriented.…

picture of mountains visualizing the article about GRI Revision

GRI Revision – two standards in public consultation

The GRI Standards is a set of reporting standards to define the contents of sustainability reports. The Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB) has just updated two of these GRI Standards, 303:Water and 403:Occupational Health and Safety. The board has launched a public consultation period from 10 August to 9 October 2017 to comment on these drafts. GRI Revision: What has…

picture of nenuphars in lake illustrating the article about CSR Report duty

CSR-Berichtspflicht / Germany CSR reporting law overview

In March 2017, the German Bundestag passed the law to strengthen companies’ non-financial disclosure in their management reports and group management reports. The CSR reporting law, which is the implementation of the EU Directive 2014/95/EU (non-financial reporting), is called „Gesetz zur Stärkung der nichtfinanziellen Berichterstattung der Unternehmen in ihren Lage- und Konzernlageberichten“ (see the official…

picture of mountains illustrating the article about CDP response check

Go for a CDP Response Check

Want to have short feedback before submitting your CDP answer? Opt for a CDP Response Check by DFGE! What is CDP? The CDP is „a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts“. The CDP collects data related to Climate Change, Water, and…