GHG Protocol

Extensions and adaptations of the GHG protocol to be expected

For companies who want to remain competitive it becomes increasingly important if not inevitable to report on GHG emission avoidance concerning all kinds of business operations. Investors, new political regulations, and other external stakeholders are demanding companies to disclose relevant information on their efforts to contribute towards climate change mitigation. This development is reflected in…

UNGC Early Adopter Program

UNGC – Updates on the enhanced Communication on Progress 2023

Revising the CoP: Background The UN Global Compact (UNGC), a non-binding United Nations pact, encouraging firms and businesses to think of, adopt and report on more sustainable methods. To ensure a more straightforward reporting it has identified 10 principles (The Ten Principles | UN Global Compact) forming a value system companies should adopt when conducting business. These principles…

Circular Economy

Circular Futures Festival 2022

Am 14. & 15. September 2022 fand das 2. Circular Futures Festival statt. Zwei Tage voller Austausch, Inspiration und Begegnungen. Initiiert wurde es von Circular Futures, einem Programm von ProjectTogether, in hybrider Form in ganz Deutschland. Digital fand es in Form von Lernlaboren, Marktplätzen, Impulsen, Diskussionsrunden und Maker Spaces statt und auch in lokalen Hubs…

ESG Implementation

Comprehensive ESG Implementation

Nowadays companies are increasingly facing the needs of their stakeholders, investors, and society more broadly in the field of ESG. Stakeholder demands are shifting, they are more and more demanding the disclosure of a company’s sustainability efforts, legal demands are obliging businesses to implement practices that avoid damage but benefit the natural environment, and investors…

Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)

Increasingly, investors, regulators, stakeholders and the public are holding companies accountable for sustainable practices. Recent legislation also highlights the relevance of corporate sustainability developments. The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is one of the European Union’s legislative instruments to make Europe’s economy more sustainable. It prescribes comprehensive sustainability disclosure requirements covering a wide range of…


ESRS – European Sustainability Reporting Standards

ESRS – Das neue EU-Rahmenwerk für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Der nächste wichtige Schritt für die EU-Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung ist gemacht. Bereits Ende April 2022 gab es erste offizielle Entwürfe der European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) bezüglich eines neuen EU-Rahmenwerks für Nachhaltigkeitsberichte. Dieses Rahmenwerk dient dazu, den Dschungel an Reportingstandards im Nachhaltigkeitsbereich zu lichten und einheitliche Regelungen für die…

GRI Certified Partner

DFGE further strengthens its competence with GRI Certified Sustainability Professionals

Sustainability reporting is growing at a rapid pace. Over the years, sustainability reporting has become more widespread globally, both in terms of geography and the number of sectors of industry. A recent report, “The KPMG Survey of Sustainability Reporting 2020,” found that 80% of companies (mid- and large-cap firms) worldwide report on their sustainability progress.…


Two more years: DFGE extends strong partnership with CDP

CDP as a key player in climate reporting and other areas of sustainability Extended Partnership: CDP stands for one of the longest established and largest initiatives for sustainability reporting taking supply chains into account. Launched almost twenty years ago as the Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP has successively expanded its collection of climate-related data to include water…