EcoVadis B2B Forum DACH

DFGE-Expertenpanel beim diesjährigen EcoVadis B2B Sustainability Forum

Interessante Einblicke beim EcoVadis B2B Sustainability Forum DACH am 17.11.2021 Die Ausgangslage hatte der „EcoVadis Business Sustainability Risk und Performance Index“ klar analysiert: im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung und des Lieferkettenmanagements sinkt der globale Durchschnittswert bei bewerteten Unternehmen. Aus den stagnierenden und teils sinkenden Scores im Bereich der nachhaltigen Beschaffung lässt sich ableiten, welcher Weg…

CDP Water

CDP increasingly focuses on water-related topics

Every life on our planet is dependent on the well-functioning of the marine ecosystem. But water resources and marine ecosystems are endangered. Since businesses emit a large amount of greenhouse gases, they are largely responsible for this heating. To make companies accountable and address the urgent need to protect the water and marine resources, CDP included new water-related questions into its questionnaires.

CDP Net Zero

Net-Zero Guidelines and CDP

Slowly moving away from the COVID-19 lethargy and processing the latest IPCC report, the climate crisis has been omnipresent during the past couple of months. To limit global warming to 1.5°C, many countries have committed to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reaching Net-Zero. This however requires a comprehensive transformation across politics and all economic…


Get ready for COP26

Join the Race to Zero through the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign This SBTi webinar for COP26 preparation provides a detailed overview of the importance of setting ambitious science-based targets (SBTs). The session covers the SBTi Business Ambition for 1.5°C Campaign commitment model for net-zero targets and 1.5°C aligned SBTs, key SBTi criteria, and…

Sustainable Leaders Konferenz FFM

Top 5 Themen des Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies Event

Nach gut einem Jahr COVID-bedingter Pause, war es wieder einmal so weit: Endlich eine reale Veranstaltung, um Kunden und Partner zu treffen, sich mit diesen auszutauschen und über spannende Inhalte zu diskutieren. Worldclassbusiness Leaders hatte Ende September nach Frankfurt am Main zum „World Class Corporate Climate-Neutral Strategies & Energy Management 2021“ eingeladen, um an zwei…

SBTi Obstacles

Setting Science-based Targets – General and industry specific obstacles

for relevant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are calculated on a scientific basis. Companies which aim to participate in the initiative are expected to set an ambitious target for reducing their  GHG emissions which is in line with the 2°C target of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. But setting SBTs is not always an easy task, and many corporations fail at this hurdle.