Sunset on a snowed valley

Buchrenzension: Unter 2 Grad

Lesen Sie unsere Buchrezension „ Unter 2 Grad ? Was der Weltklimavertrag wirklich bringt“. Eine Leseempfehlung der DFGE-Klimaexperten. Unter 2 Grad? Was der Weltklimavertrag wirklich bringt Jörg Sommer, Michael Müller (Hrsg.), Hirzel Verlag, ISBN 978-7776-2570-6 Das Pariser Klimaabkommen ist in aller Munde – zum ersten Mal ein völkerrechtlich bindender Vertrag mit der Zielsetzung die globale…

Valley in snow, fir trees in the front, mountains at the back

GRI and UNGC: new partnership on the Sustainable Development Goals

UNGC and GRI, two internationally recognized sustainability reporting standards, have developed a partnership called SDG Leadership through reporting. The goal is to promote and structure the future reporting related to the Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs. SDGs are the new 2030 sustainability worldwide agenda promoted by the UN. How does the GRI / UNGC partnership…

Mountain with pine forest covered in snow, blue sky below, and mist on the right

TCFD: recommendations on climate related financial disclosures now available!

The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) is developing voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. TCFD’s 32 members include both users and preparers of disclosures from across the G20’s constituency covering a broad range of economic sectors and financial markets.…

Mountains with snow visualizing the blog article about the checklist

Neue Checkliste für einen nachhaltigen Umgang mit Kunden und Verbrauchern

In den letzten Monaten hat die DFGE Checklisten mit einfachen Fragen veröffentlicht, die Unternehmen dabei helfen, ihr CSR-Programm zu verbessern. Die gestellten Fragen helfen dabei, potenzielle Lücken zu identifizieren, um sie dann angehen zu können. Zuerst haben wir erklärt, wie ein Programm generell strukturiert sein sollte. Dann wurden die anderen CSR-Themen der ISO 26000 behandelt:…

picture of blue flowers illustrating the article about low carbon transition

Assessing Low-Carbon Transition: The ACT framework

The CDP and the ADEME have launched the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) project, defining a new rating regarding climate change management. The methodology will assess the transition of companies towards a low-carbon economy. What is the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) framework? ACT, or Assessing Low-Carbon Transition, is a methodology developed by CDP and ADEME to…