
Postponed CSR reporting deadlines 2020

In 2020 the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic has become a global crisis affecting societies and corporations in an unprecedented way. In March of 2020 most countries around the globe have taken measures in form of shutdowns/lockdowns to counter the pandemic. These counter-measures certainly pose a challenge for most corporations to maintain their business models. Some industries are affected…


A user and a business perspective for Circular Economy

In light of increased environmental destruction, resource scarcity and increased waste production the concept of Circular Economy (CE) has gained increasing attention. It is the main goal of CE to re-form the dominant linear value chains into a circular economic system. By applying sustainable product design, closing resource loops, implementing service solutions or circularity along…

winder landscape visual as illustration for the blog post about the Use of CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Use CDP data and machine learning for business decision making

Reporting on sustainability becomes more important Companies face increasing pressure to disclose their corporate sustainability program. Such pressures come from various sources including legislative requirements and increasing public concern. Reporting and disclosure of a companies’ sustainability may be seen as a financial burden, however, they will become increasingly economically relevant (e.g., CO2 price). When an…

fields with snow as visual for the blog post about human rights day

Human Rights Day 2019

This year the 71st celebration of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights (UDHR) takes place. DFGE outlines key points and general information of the Human Rights Day in this article. Human Rights Day Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10th December – the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration…

Chemical Whitepaper

New DFGE Whitepaper: Sustainability Challenges and Resources in the Chemical Industry

DFGE has recently published the whitepaper „Sustainability Challenges and Resources in the Chemical Industry“. In this paper, DFGE outlines the sustainability challenges the chemical industry is facing and provides ways to respond to them by presenting suitable standards and initiatives. Importance of the chemical industry The share of the chemical industry in all goods and…