picture of blue flowers illustrating the article about low carbon transition

Assessing Low-Carbon Transition: The ACT framework

The CDP and the ADEME have launched the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) project, defining a new rating regarding climate change management. The methodology will assess the transition of companies towards a low-carbon economy. What is the ACT (Assessing Low-Carbon Transition) framework? ACT, or Assessing Low-Carbon Transition, is a methodology developed by CDP and ADEME to…

pink flowers in trees with blue sky visualizing the article about GRI standards

GRI Standards are now available!

GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) is an internationally recognized standard to report on sustainability topics, and to structure a sustainability report. On October 19th, the GRI G4 Guidelines have officially transitioned to GRI Standards.   What are the main differences/changes?   New structure The Standards aimed at restructuring the G4 Guidelines, it was not about adding…