Modern green lifestyle has a big impact on the economy. Not only that (seemingly) green products were preferred. Also the whole financial sector offers green investment possibilities. More and more customers with long-run personal decisions try to invest their money not only green but also under social or ethnical aspects. Banks and investment companies are offering various products or funds to meet the requirements. Recently I read about an Austrian shoe factory. They offered – beside their nice shoes – also a possibility to invest in their new solar system. In return the customer gets fixed interests over several years. This fits perfectly to their business approach to produce high-value shoes in an eco-friendly production. Particularly companies from the energy and environemt industry are in the focus of investors. It is quite easy these days to get capital also if your idea is not that elaborate. Investors and companies are not only looking for a high income return. They also look for a quite conscience. But this is something which you can still not buy. You have to proof your (green or social) responsibility in many ways – not only by investing in some green start-ups. Without an integral and sustainable strategy with proven results nobody will have success in the long run.
Schlagwörter: greeninvestment
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Autor: Berger
Wolfgang Berger studied mechanical engineering and renewable energies in Munich. Since a decade at DFGE he leads as sustainability expert global CSR projects at Fortune 500 and other companies. He is an active counselor of The German Association of Engineers (VDI), technical editor and experienced advisor to CleanTech companies all over Europe. Wolfgang serves as voluntary fire fighter in Munich and loves reading books and expanding his private library.