Looking for a Quick CDP Response Check? Choose DFGE!
Approaching CDP Deadline
Once again, numerous companies have been requested to participate in this year’s CDP Climate Change Program. These requests have been made by both investors and customers.
Participants are obligated to address various aspects including CO2 emissions, climate risks and opportunities, reduction targets and strategies, as well as stakeholder engagement. All this information regarding climate change and corporate social responsibility needs to be entered into CDP’s Online Response System (ORS) by July 26, 2023.
CDP Response Check
Before the final submission of responses, companies can have their responses checked for completeness and formal correctness by accredited partners of CDP. This CDP Response Check is a service provided by DFGE and includes the following services:
- Content validation of the questionnaire before submission.
- A feedback discussion during an online session.
DFGE has been an accredited CDP Silver Climate Change Consultancy Partner for Germany since 2014. Additionally, our company has undergone a CDP accreditation process to ensure the quality of responses and compliance with CDP requirements.
The Response Check is suitable for both CDP beginners and advanced users and is used annually by many CDP “A-List” companies. The A-List identifies leading companies in environmental transparency and action, based on their annual disclosure through the CDP Climate Program.
Procedure for CDP Response Check
Follow these three simple steps to ensure your company’s CDP questionnaire is verified prior to submission:
- Provide us with the Word extract from the ORS system.
- DFGE will review your responses using CDP’s tools and methodology.
- Receive a report with the results from DFGE.
Additional CDP Support
In addition to the CDP Response Check, DFGE offers comprehensive long-term support and advice for CDP participation. Our „CDP Professional“ package provides workshops, data collection assistance, and response proposals. For a more extensive service, we offer the „CDP Enterprise“ package, which includes a kickoff workshop, situation analysis, detailed GAP analysis, and CDP response proposals. Additionally, this package offers the option to calculate your company’s carbon footprint on a company-wide scale.
DFGE also provides solutions that positively impact your CDP program assessment, such as developing a climate strategy or calculating science-based targets (SBT).
If you are interested or have any related questions, please feel free to contact us via email at or by phone at +49 819 29973320